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Friday, February 20, 2004

WHAT TO GIVE UP FOR LENT? Every year it's the same question that arises with Ash Wednesday almost upon us: what to give for the next six weeks or so? Last year I gave up tea, which may sound a bit silly, but it was actually quite a challenge for me who before then had virtually lived off the stuff. In today's Guardian Susie Boyt has a nice idea, though I feel I’m too goody-goody in my personal affairs anyway, so it' not really one for me. The only orginal thing I have come up with so far is that I will no longer read pieces on politics that I agree with. Just like Jesus had to live for forty days and nights wrestling with deep doubts and being tempted by the devil, so I will at least do something vaguely similar. Or perhaps that's nonsense? If any readers have any fun ideas drop me an email.

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