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Sunday, February 04, 2007

I know there are serious things happening in the world that I should be adding my wisdom to, but I've just "discovered" YouTube . . . yeah, I know I'm a little behind the curve. Yes, I know, I'm not a particularly productive blogger at the moment and most readers will find this entry superfluous, but I'm somewhat busy. So just enjoy.
It's a practically unlimited reservoir of music that was buried in the past, and in some cases probably justly so too:
ahh, blessed memories
men, what can you say?
Sonique looks hot in this vid and not boyish, though plenty of boys . . .
My better half told me off for liking this video, because apparently this so "out". Well, it was in 2004, but not in 1994 when I developed theses tastes.
The lyrics are as rude as the hats are silly
and finally, this should just make you feel good. It worked for me.

What seems to be quite popular is putting one's own film and pics to music:
This is sort of cool, a tribute to the Paras, set to Oasis Supersonic
This, set to Ana Johnsson's We are, is more typical YouTube-fare . . . though I'm sure it meant something to her . . .
It's also strange how all of these things can attract so much commentary. It's a whole little universe; bit like blogging really.

Sort of reporting too:
Though there's some debate whether it's genuine, it still gives you a bit of an impression of infantry combat

There's loads of funny stuff too:
he got some rap
The thing with cyber sex is, you can never really be sure who's on the other end . . . .

Righty, back to work!


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